Shape Your Grape

Rachel  •  Lifestyle

Rachel  •  Lifestyle

Gut-Wrenching Myths

Unlock your tastebuds with an imposing view of these gut-wrenching myths within the food & nutrition industry.

One of the main things I’ve learned over the years working in healthcare is that you must be in the driver’s seat for your health! 

You’re probably thinking the nutrition industry is confusing because there’s sooo much information out there right now. There are more fad diet books than 20 years ago, gosh even 10 years ago. 

These nutrition and dieting myths are just adding to the whole thing…influencers saying to eat this, avoid this, definitely don’t eat this! 

Food is everywhere !!! Fast food is like kettle corn popping up on every corner I know I get it! At the end of the day you just want to eat and be healthy! 

And in my world, good health begins in the kitchen!

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Myth 1 - Carbs cause weight gain

Eats carbs - don't eat carbs. Low carb diet! Myth #1 starts out with a debate that continues to flow, unfortunately, there's no one nutrient or food that causes weight gain, including carbs.

Weight gain is complex and at a basic level as a result when we consume more calories than what our body needs.

A diet for optimal health includes carbs for energy! Equally important, consider how they're packaged because there are 2 types:

Complex carbs with fiber digest and absorb more slowly than simple carbs so our blood sugar response is different.

Dietitian tip = grab high-quality carbs such as fruits, vegetables, beans, lentils, and whole grains.

bread and eggs

Myth 2 - Whole eggs are unhealthy

Egg-cellent! Like all foods, whole eggs can be part of an overall healthy diet. Myth #2 is cracked open with the concern about eating whole eggs with cholesterol from the yolk. However, what affects our blood cholesterol the most is the saturated fat we eat, not the dietary cholesterol.

The American Heart Association states that 6-7 whole eggs per week can be part of a healthy diet. Egg yolks also contain protein, vitamins, and minerals that can help enhance dietary choices.


Vegan Bowl

Myth 3 - Vegetarian Diets are low in protein

Many vegetarian foods have protein. Myth #3 vegetarian diets don't have enough protein, yet, the sources of protein include more plant-based. These include beans, lentils, soy products (tofu, edamame, tempeh), nuts, and seeds.

Whole grains also have protein, although they wouldn’t be considered a source of protein. Despite all of these sources being vegetarian requires more planning and thoughtfully eating out as well. 


Myth 4 - Gluten-free Diet are unhealthy

Only some people need to have a gluten-free diet. Myth #4 the gluten-free diet does need to be followed by people who have high intolerances, such as myself and those that have celiac disease.

Gluten is a group of proteins in cereal grains (wheat, rye, barley, triticale). For anyone without these conditions, foods with gluten can be

part of an overall healthy diet. Many nutrient-dense foods contain gluten – whole wheat products (bread, pasta) and whole grains (wheat berries, farro,

kamut, etc.).

Myth 5 - Snacking is unhealthy

Snacking can be a part of healthy eating, even when weight loss is a goal. Myth #5 debunked! An easy formula to remember includes protein + fruit/vegetable= healthy snack

Most people have a window of about 3-4 hours in between meals so snacking can help curb hunger while providing fuel to have

enough energy for our day. Snacking can also play an important role pre-and post workout.

healthy-snacks-vegetables-and-hummus-2021-08-26-19-00-57-utc (1)

Myth 6 - Eating between these hours

There is no one way of eating that works for everyone. Everyone has different needs, tastes, schedules, preferences, goals, etc.

Myth #6 make it effortless and works for you. It's possible to have a healthy diet and eat at different times of the day. Some people may benefit from setting up a schedule for their meals and snacks. Other people may benefit from eating based on hunger cues.

In general, creating strict rules about when to eat can be a slippery slope. These rules can be hard to follow in certain situations or when we feel hungry. Rules can make us feel like a “failure” if we don’t follow them.

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Smash Your Grape

Healthy or being healthy can be broken down to how you view your own health and the perception that you feel healthy.

Knowing where you stand can help bring more awareness to where you are today.

Influence your tastebuds and what you like, not by myths!

Have A Grapefull Day!