Shape Your Grape

Rachel  •  Nutrition

Rachel  •  Nutrition

The Pizza Experience

Want a side of heat with that pizza? Hot enough to burn the hair off your arm. A sizzling effect that you may only hear in the desert.

Summer heat from the sun and grill.

What if you’re able to add an additional heat source instead of a grill?

Last year, we added a hibachi grill to our backyard experience. We’re making everything from air frying tater tots, to roasted veggies, then burgers and chicken! It was a Father’s Day gift, and one of my husband’s favorites so far!

This year, the pizza oven!

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The Pizza Oven

Hot enough to burn the hair off your arm. A sizzling effect that you may only hear in the desert. And small enough that it looks like a toaster oven, it’s in fact an Omni Pizza Oven. 

We were looking at a few different options and decided on this one because of the compact size, price, and what we’re able to do with it. I usually don’t buy things that only do one thing. It has to be able to be used in multiple ways otherwise what’s the point?!

This compact size was built extremely well and small enough to sit on top of a small table. Aside from this, the Onni oven is hot! Heats up a pizza anywhere from 750-850 degrees in a matter of minutes. Thank you for saving my family time!

We started looking at our finances I'm sure just like everyone else in the world. Food prices have increased dramatically, delivery fees have added on more charges that are ridiculous and so we will cut costs where we need to.

outdoor pizza oven

The price of pizza used to be reasonable ...until it wasn’t.

So we decided to make pizza at home, with the ingredients we want, and make flour that isn’t filled with fillers and additives, while including ingredients I can’t even say out loud!

Within 2 weeks this oven has paid for itself.

cooking pizza food

The Food

So far we’ve been reading up on what other people have done or created from this little pizza oven.

In addition, to creating various pizzas with endless toppings, people are baking bread, and heating up tater tops; hopefully, they don’t roll off in the pan. And so much more…

For now, we’re sticking with pizza and learning how to make our own pizza dough.

Furthermore, there was a starter kit that had flour available, and happy that there was an option gluten-free to choose from.

As I’m gluten intolerant we’re finding pizza flour that’s gluten-free and trying out a few different options that are readily available. Cross-contamination is one of the ways to eliminate negative symptoms that I may endure, so it’s extremely important that this oven remains gluten-free for our family!

Pizza is one of the foods that has evolved within the food industry.

It’s become the quicker, bigger, and fast delivery option available in practically every city. They all use similar ingredients, and they offer various toppings and sizes, yet each facility has its own distinct taste and flavors once you open the box. 

Not to mention, choosing thin crust or thick crust…which one is better?! It’s been years since I’ve had a thick crust-style pizza.

I’d have to say after making our own dough and exactly how I like it, I’m a thick crust kind of girl! It filled me up for so long, my tummy was giving me high fives!

The only thing available being gluten-free was thin crust, the struggle is real and the options are sometimes extremely limited for someone with my lifestyle. However, we found a new way around it.

The best pizza we’ve made so far has been filled with mushrooms, black olives, mozzarella cheese, and red peppers!

The Experience

My husband was more excited about opening this box and digging into something new.

Yet, I find myself excited about all of the creations and variations of pizza that we can make with it.

Not to mention, that we’re trying to incorporate different food items for our son, right now Dino’s and pasta are what’s being eaten.

If you’re a mom of a toddler then you’ll understand this! 

This addition to the outside BBQ area has sparked more conversations about food in a positive way. Our son has noticed the little machine that heats up and to be careful around it.


It’s opened up the door to trying new foods and seeing which combinations work together and those that don’t. It’s brought an easy way to make dinner, nonetheless because it doesn’t feel like cooking.

While mixing ingredients and heating it in an oven for a very short amount of time.

Above anything else, our family enjoys food, we like to eat, and when something we buy can enhance our time together and increase our conversations around food in a positive way…this alone makes me smile!

At the end of the day, food enhances life, although don’t be afraid to add some heat to spice things up!


Want a side of heat with that pizza? 

Out with the grill and in with the Ooni Pizza Oven.

Shape the pizza how you want it while tasting the delicious toppings with some of that heat.

Pizza is surrounded by last-minute dinners, celebrations, and family gatherings. It's the pizza experience that'll heat things up even on a cold day.

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